Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is Art

What is art? Ask this question and you will receive answers such as: art is an expression, art is in the eye of the beholder, and only what could be found in a museums. As a current college student I have been asked this question, and I answered whit what I truly felt, that art is in the eye of the beholder. If I had only known the responsibility this statement held I would have not adopted it as my own. However, I did, and now that I have a somewhat better understanding of art I am going to stick with my statement and all of its responsibilities.

The responsibility of such a statement arises in the fact of what the statement truly means and that is personal opinion. This means that if you share this statement or definition you decide what is or is not art. You will not allow other people, artist, or educators to tell you what art is, art is only called art if you decide to give it that distinction. Hugh responsibilities I'd say. I am not saying that this statement/definition is right for you, but it is right for me. I value your opinion of what art is or is not and I hope that you can value mine.

I would have to say the most important thing I have learned from art is that wither it was created by a second graded or Van Gogh art is a privilege to create and view and it should be created and view as a privilege and not casually and unconsciously made or viewed. Both creating and viewing art is a journey to get the most out of it you have to be welling to put in the hard work and effort to get the best results.

In My Opinion.